Welcome to the

Alpine Club


The Alpine Club, the world’s first mountaineering club, was founded in 1857.  For over 150 years, members have been at the leading edge of worldwide mountaineering development and exploration. 

With membership, experienced and aspiring alpinists benefit from a varied meets programme, regional lectures with notable guest speakers, reduced rates at many alpine huts, opportunity to apply for grants to support expeditions, significant discounts at many UK retailers, extensive networking contacts, access to the AC Library and maps - and more! 

Becoming a Member

UIAA Ethical Code & Kathmandu Declaration

The Alpine Club supports the work of the UIAA and has adopted the UIAA Ethical code and the Kathmandu Declaration.

The UIAA Ethical Code & Kathmandu Declaration

1. Protect effectively the mountain environment, its flora, its fauna and its natural resources.
2. Reduce the negative impact of man's activities.
3. Respect the cultural heritage & dignity of local populations.
4. Stimulate activities which restore & rehabilitate the mountains.
5. Encourage contacts between mountaineers of different countries, in a spirit of friendship, mutual respect & peace.
6. Make available all information and education necessary to improve the relationship between man and his environment.
7. Use only technology respecting the environment for energy needs and the disposal of waste.
8. Support developing mountain countries in efforts for the conservation of the environment.
9. Widen access to mountain regions unfettered by political considerations.

UIAA Ethical Code for Expeditions

1. Ensure all members of the team are aware of the regulations set bythe host country, the objectives of the Kathmandu Declaration, and the UIAA ethical code for expeditions.
2. To adopt a sporting approach to the expeditions objectives and not to use equipment or other resources out of proportion to these objectives.
3. To conduct the expedition in a way which maintains the safety of its members and especially those it employs.
4. Whenever possible to provide technical advice and training to members of the expedition from the host country.
5. To give an accurate report about the expedition to the appropriate bodies.
6. Not to use equipment and materials owned by other expeditions without permission, and be prepared to help local people or other expeditions if the need arises.
7. To leave the mountain environment as clean as possible at the end of the expedition.

Latest Articles

  • Bill Ruthven +

    The Club is saddened to learn of the death on 4 February of Honorary member Bill Ruthven. Bill was elected Read More
  • 2025 AC Photo Competition +

    2025 AC Photo Competition The Alpine Club is excited to announce a Members’ Photo Competition, culminating with a special exhibition Read More
  • Richard Gowing +

    We are saddened to report the death of Richard Gowing on 7 January 2025. He had been a member since Read More
  • Jon Mellor +

    We have recently learned of the death on 14 December of Jon Mellor. He was a member for more that Read More
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Upcoming Events

  • 11 Mar - 13 Mar
  • 14 Mar - 08 Apr




Use the boxes below to explore the expeditions section


Any questions relating to expeditions ? send us an email.


The AC and the MEF can provide funding for certain expeditions, the AC also has a climbing grant for AC teams


The AC holds a vast library of material relating to expeditions both online and on paper


Expeditions are at the core of the Alpine Club's purpose and culture. Use the boxes on the left to navigate the expedition section.


Any questions relating to expeditions? Send us an email.


The AC and the MEF can provide funding for certain expeditions, the AC also has a climbing grant for AC teams


The AC holds a vast library of material relating to expeditions both online and on paper.