
Here is a list of Alpine Club meets. Select additional pages using the numbers at the bottom. A list of past meets is can be seen by clicking here.

The Meets programme provides great opportunities for fellow members to get to know each other in the climbing areas of the UK and the mountains of the world.  UK meets in particular offer the chance for members to drop in, even if it's just for an evening drink.

New members have often attended meets as guests of members before they joined and their presence on meets is particularly welcome both to widen their circle of acquaintance and to assist with maintaining that tradition of openness to prospective members. Non-members may attend meets as guests of members at the discretion of the meet coordinator.

Before attending please read the Meet Guidelines.

Interested in organising a meet?  It's easy! Click here to find out more.  

Events Calendar

Special 50th Anniversary Weekend Meet
From Friday 28 March 2025
To Sunday 30 March 2025
Contact Adele Long & Linzi Duff
Friday 28 March 2025

In 1975, having voted to open Club membership to women the previous year, the Alpine Club merged with the Ladies Alpine Club to form a single mixed gender club for British alpinists. In commemoration of this milestone event, and to recognise the step forward it represented for inclusivity in the Club, we are holding a 50th Anniversary Meet at the delightful (and affordable) Corran Bunkhouse just south of Fort William.  
Photo: Gill Radcliffe
The focus will be on winter climbing (subject to weather and conditions) and we are lucky to have Kirsty Pallas sharing the weekend with us. Kirsty is a Mountain and Climbing Instructor and member of Oban Mountain Rescue. She will talk to us about the specific elements of Scottish winter climbing (we hope there will be some snow) and on how to stay safe in the Scottish hills. Our President Simon Richardson and AC member Lina Arthur will be there also to help with route choices. Both have written guidebooks on winter climbing in Scotland. In addition we have compiled a list of routes at different grades. 
We will have the bunkhouse to ourselves and will have a communal meal (I think we will be able to do vegan, vegetarian and gluten free) with wine/beer and entertainment (AC style - quiz with prizes) on the Saturday night. We hope to bring some of the exhibition. 'What Would Lucy Say', currently being shown at Charlotte Road, to Corran. This exhibition shows some of the highlights of the Ladies' Alpine Club and its journey from founding in 1907 to amalgamation with the AC in 1975.
There are a total of 40 places available at a cost of £75 per person for 2 nights' accommodation, a meal on Saturday night and expert advice throughout the weekend.
The weekend is about the climbing, but it's also about community, friendship, fun and reflection. Everyone is welcome, including guests, but these must have BMC insurance. 
Anyone wanting to stay before or after the meet should contact the Corran Bunkhouse directly.
If you'd like to attend the meet, please fill out the registration form below and send it to Linzi Duff -
Contacts: Adele Long - and Linzi Duff - 

Location Corran Bunkhouse
Onich, Fort William
Inverness Shire
PH33 6RY