Events Calendar

Moroccan Anti Atlas Meet
From Friday 02 October 2015
To Saturday 17 October 2015
Friday 02 October 2015

Imagine. The heat of summer is waning and the lowering clouds of autumn are dampening your climbing ambitions. You're fit and eager after the summer's cragging but the winter ice is still just a distant hope. Salvation now beckons in the shape of an adventure on the edge of Europe.

Think of balmy days with short walk-ins to spectacular crack or ridge routes on sound golden quartzite, 10, 15 pitches VD to E6, something
for everyone and still opportunities to discover new routes. Think of easing away the rigours of the day in the hammam (Moroccan steam
baths). Think of comfortable nights in a 13th century fortified granary. Think of Kasbah Tizourgane and the Moroccan Anti Atlas in the first half of October. Flights from Gatwick/Manchester to Agadir, less than two hours drive to the north side of Jebel el Kest and Jebel Taskra. The area is relatively remote, and there will be a limit to the number of participants; several climbers, male and female, have already committed.;; For more information contact Nick Smith,, and