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Nick Harvey & Jim Booth: Ice Climbing in Arctic Norway
Tuesday 26 September 2017, 07:30pm
Contact Derek Buckle
Tuesday 26 September 2017
A tale of climbing ice, drinking tea and questioning what it’s all in aid of.  We have spent over eleven weeks in Arctic Norway, sometimes even going ice climbing.  Ever armed with a couple of axes, snowshoes and a pair of binos, we have scouted the obvious, and not so obvious routes, that rival anywhere in the world, and all in the stunning setting of the fjords of northern Norway under the Aurora Borealis.  Full of tips on what not to do, likely obvious to everyone but them, they’ll recount what happens when two average London-based climbers go to a place with no guidebook and roads made of ice.  Come along and learn why Rjukan needn’t be your first port of call when thinking of accessible ice climbing - this lecture will give you a good overview of the area, the climbing available, and tell you everything you need to plan a trip to what could soon become the new ice mecca.
Location London
55/56 Charlotte Road