Events Calendar

CANCELLED 2020 Anti Atlas Meet
From Saturday 07 November 2020
To Saturday 21 November 2020
Contact Max Streeton
Saturday 07 November 2020
2020 Anti Atlas Meet
Due to the Corona virus situation this meet has been cancelled 
7th to 21st November
In 2020 the Alpine Club will return to the Anti Atlas of Morocco for more fantastic trad climbing. The area provides both cragging venues and long mountain routes. With lots of oppotunities for new routes.
The meet is later in the year which should give the cooler conditions needed for the longer routes in the sun.The meet will have 12 places.

It will be split between the Kasbah Tizourgane in the North of the region and a hotel in the main town of Tafraout to the South.

Participants should be competent leaders and aware of the remoteness of the region.

Total cost for the trip (flight, accommodation and hire car mainly) is expected to be around £500-£600.
Please contact coordinator Max Streeton 07860 329525