Events Calendar

George Starkey Hut Maintenance Meet 2024
From Tuesday 20 August 2024
To Thursday 22 August 2024
Contact Paul Hudson -
Tuesday 20 August 2024

The maintenance meet for 2024 will take place on 20-22 August and will include free accommodation for attendees.
There is always quite a lot to do but you are only expected to work some of the time and get out on the hill on at least one day.
There is a community meal on the Thursday evening. For other days, the White Lion is open again for eating out.
This is a great opportunity to help contribute towards keeping the hut a comfortable and well-maintained space for all Club members and to enjoy a trip to the Lakes at the same time. This meet flows into the August bank holiday weekend 23-25 August and so offers the chance to get away for a decent amount of time.
Please book places on the Maintenance meet nights through the warden, Marian Parsons -
Further nights can be booked direct on the website or by emailing if you have difficulties. AC members already receive nights at the hut at a 95% discount.
Location George Starkey Hut